1. 40-49 - Appointment today no Health Assessment last 3 years - needs to be given Diabetes risk assessment.sql
  2. 45-49 no health assessment (item 703, 705, 707 etc) last 12 months - Appointment today.sql
  3. 5 Medications more than 2 years since HMMR - appointment today.sql
  4. ATSI no health assessment (item 715) last 9 months - Appointment today.sql
  5. Appointments today table.sql
  6. Diabetes in history No Annual Cycle of care (2517 or 2521) - appointment today.sql
  7. Diabetes in history No GPMP or TCA (item 721 or 723) - appointment today.sql
  8. Over 75 no health assessment (item 703, 705, 707 etc) last 12 months - appointment today.sql
  9. Overdue for Mental Health Care Plan Review (item 2512) - appointment today.sql
  10. care plan TCA (item 721 or 723) or review more than 3 months ago - appointment today.sql
  11. significant history No GPMP or TCA (item 721 or 723) - appointment today.sql